
A new independent foundation Stichting World Peace Stupa Center Europe.was founded on Amsterdam on August 7 2024 – with representatives from the Dutch and the German Nyingma Centers in the board. This is what makes them tick: 

Guda van der Lee 
“Caring is what we all need and it is the start of everything good”

Guda is trained as a scientific researcher in Physical Geography and was employed at the University of Amsterdam and at Delft Hydraulics. In 2004 she made the transition to Montessori education and then worked as a kindergarten teacher until she got the opportunity to work at the Nyingma Center at Uitgeverij Dharma in 2012. Since 2017 Guda also teaches  Caring classes and Tibetan language at Nyingma Centrum Nederland. Guda plans to live and work and teach at the new Stupa Center with her husband Hans who is a researcher in climate change at several universities 

Elske van de Hulst 
“We owe it to ourselves and each other to celebrate our potential for love, beauty and joy instead of cultivating our limitations and suffering” 

Elske van de Hulst is co-dean and senior instructor at Nyingma Centrum Nederland in Amsterdam. Elske graduated at Amsterdamse Hogeschool voor de kunsten and worked in the theater as an actress, director, producer and author between 1969 and 1998.  In 1998 she started studying the theatre of the mind, guided by Tarthang Tulku’s books and programs, and she never stopped since. Elske is co-dean and trustee at Nyingma Centrum Nederland and has been planning for a retreat center since 2008. She plans to live part-time at the new center and will continue to teach Meditation, Knowledge of Freedom, Revelations of Mind, Dimensions of Mind, Caring and Lotus Trilogy teachings in cooperation with other Nyingma orgs 

Anja Nogaizig 

Alois Gehrmeyer 

Henk Toorman 

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