Group Retreat

Come together and join in one of our group retreats at the World Peace Stupa Center.
You can register as an individual, couple, or hire the location with your group or company.

There will be a wide variety of programs at the Stupa Center. Teachers or companies can hire the location, and we offer programs where we implement ancient wisdom into our modern daily lives. 

Below you see an outline of the programs we intend to offer:

WPSCE Peace Program Plans



KN weekends  

Meditation weekends 

Caring weekends  

Path of Beauty weekends 

Classical Tibetan weekends 

Sutra weekends  

Silent weekends 

Nature weekends 

(rentals for affiliate groups) 



Peace at Work midweeks for company teams 

TSW midweeks for company individuals 

Mini sabbaticals 

Peace of Mind and Body midweeks for individuals 

Gift Voucher guests 

(rentals for affiliate groups) 



annual TSK retreat Europe 

fasting and KN  

sangha and family karma yoga weeks  



WPSCE Path Programs 


Base Buddhist Psychology 3 years icw NZD and NCN 

Base Kum Nye Tibetan Relaxation 3 years icw NZD and NCN 

Base Tibetan Language and Literature icw NZD and NCN and SINI 


Sequel Programs:  

Program Understanding Self and Mind 3 years icw NZD and NCN 

Ngondro Program 3-5 years icw Lama Palzang (3 x 3 week retreat plus online ) 

Lojong Mind Training 2 years icw NCN and NZD   ( 2 x 2 weeks, 2 weekends plus online) 

Human Development retreat 3 months  icw NI 

Individual retreats 1 week 1 year 

The Path of the Bodhisattva icw SINI/ Khenpo Kunga Dakpa  

Instructor training programs icw NZD and NCN    

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