European Cooperation

The first Nyingma Centers in Europe grew out of informal studygroups created by the first European students of Tarthang Tulku. These students matured into dedicated practioners by frequently visiting retreats and projects in the USA and India. Today there are two official  Nyingma Centers located in the city centers of Amsterdam and Cologne and groups of practioners in other European countries , including the UK.  

The World Peace Stupa Center Europe aims to create a home base for this growing European community and will work closely together with other organisations in the TNMC mandala in organizing projects, programs and retreats on European soil.m 

Among the organisations with whom WPSCE will seek regular cooperation are first of all the two founding centers: Nyingma Centrum Nederland (located in Amsterdam) and Nyingma Zentrum Deutschland , located in Köln. Both are city centers, well equipped for organizing weekly classes, projects and a shop, but less equipped for residential retreats and longer projects and residential workstudy programs. And…both city centers lack even a small garden -and are thrilled to now share a retreat center in beautiful natural surroundings.  

The new center will also organize international retreat programs with revered khenpo’s and Dharma teachrs from Nyingma Institute, Berkeley, Sarnath International Nyingma Institute in India, Odiyan Retreat Center in California and other TNMC orgs. 

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