Stupa Center Fundraiser

We need your support to purchase the location! We have three months to reach our goal.

What's the plan?

Building a Stupa and hosting Retreats

We are founding a retreat center with a World Peace Stupa in the woodlands around Winterswijk. All are welcome for retreats, projects or just a visit. It is time for balance – in the world, in nature, in ourselves.
Stoepa Winterwijk locatie


Join us in one of our group retreats


Aenean ac fringilla nulla Donec a euismod eros, nec porttitor sapien. Proin aliquam et tortor et elementum.



Porttitor sapien. Proin aliquam et tortor et elementum. Aenean ac fringilla nulla donec a euismod eros, nec

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